How to Make Cranberry Sauce (With Four Simple Ingredients)

Cranberry Sauce is a must for the holiday table and if you enjoy the cranberry sauce from a can you will love this recipe for homemade cranberry sauce. If you’ve never made Cranberry Sauce before, check out the instructional video. Thanks to Crouton Crackerjacks for the recipe and video.

I recall every holiday my mother opening up a can of cranberry sauce and serving it up on the dinner table. At that time I thought cranberry sauce was good enough to eat a little bit for the holidays. Fast forward many years, when I was having Thanksgiving dinner with my in-laws someone brought some home made cranberry sauce. I was completely surprised how much of a difference there was from canned and home made.

What People Are Saying

Tom: I’ve made this for 2 years now,,,, WHY would anyone BUY that stuff in a can when you can make it so good and so easy as you show us?   Thanks so much,,,
Tracy: Found the perfect recipe my man loves
Megan: I made this for Christmas Eve dinner last night, it turned out beautifully

Print Recipe
Cranberry Sauce
Course Sauces, Sides
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Passive Time 10 minutes
Course Sauces, Sides
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 20 minutes
Passive Time 10 minutes
  1. Rinse fresh cranberries and pick out any damaged berries
  2. Drain and place into a large sauce pan.
  3. Add orange juice and sugars and heat on high until begins to a boil. Stir often.
  4. Turn heat down to medium and cook 10 minutes, stir often.
  5. Let cool in the saucepan and transfer to a bowl to serve or refrigerate.
Recipe Notes


How To Make Cranberry Sauce

Thank you Crouton Crackerjacks for sharing this recipe.